陳品華 教授



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111-2學期 Office hours:





  1. 薛聖蓉、李俊霆、陳品華*2023)。學齡前幼兒父母自我慈憫與親職壓力之關係:正念教養的中介角色。正向心理:諮商與教育,2。(*通訊作者)

  2. 陳品華(2022)。正向教育及其實踐。正向心理:諮商與教育,149-57doi:10.30099/PPCE.202206_(1).0004.

  3. Chen, P.-H. (2021). In-class and after-class lecture note-taking strategies. Active Learning in Higher Education, 22(3), 245-260. doi: 10.1177/1469787419893490 (SSCI)

  4. Chen, P.-H.*, Teo, T., & Zhou, M. (2017). Effects of guided notes on enhancing college students’ lecture note-taking quality and learning performance. Current Psychology, 36(4), 719-732. doi: 10.1007/s12144-016-9459-6. (SSCI)(*corresponding author)

  5. Chen, P.-H.*, Teo, T., & Zhou, M. (2016). Relationships between digital nativity, value orientation, and motivational interference among college students. Learning and Individual Differences, 50, 49-55. doi: 10.1016/j.lindif.2016.06.017. (SSCI)(*corresponding author)

  6. 陳正、陳品華*2015)。問題答案關係策略融入國小五年級國語科教學之成效。台東大學教育學報,26(2)1-33doi: 10.3966/102711202015122602001 (TSSCI)*通訊作者)

  7. 蔡逸芬、陳品華*2015)。國小高年級學童課外閱讀自我決定動機之研究。教育心理學報,46(3)425-448doi: 10.6251/BEP.20140627 (TSSCI)*通訊作者)

  8. 高雪瑩、陳品華*2014)。引導式筆記教學對提升國小五年級學生社會領域學習表現與學習態度之成效。教育研究與發展期刊,10(4)79-106doi: 10.3966/181665042014121004004*通訊作者)

  9. Chen, P.-H. (2013). The effects of college students’ in-class and after-class lecture note-taking on academic performance. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 22(2), 173-180. doi: 10.1007/s40299-012-0010-8 (SSCI)

  10. 陳品華(2013)。大學生課堂筆記策略教學方案之成效。教育研究集刊,59(1)73-112doi: 10.3966/102887082013035901003 (TSSCI)




  1. Chen, P. -H. (2023). The effectiveness of an after-class lecture note-taking teaching program. The 18th European Congress of Psychology, July 3-6, Brighton, UK.

  2. Yang, P. -H. & Chen, P. -H.* (2023). The relationship between motives for enrolling in college and subjective well-being among senior high school students. The 18th European Congress of Psychology, July 3-6, Brighton, UK.

  3. Chen, P.-H. (2022). Relationship between achievement value orientation, perfectionism, and motivational interference in study-study conflicts. The European Conference on Educational Research Plus (online), September 1-10.

  4. 陳家欣、陳品華(2021)。粉絲與藝人的擬社會關係、同好互動與寂寞感之關係。台灣心理學會第60屆年會暨學術研討會。10/16-17,台北市:台北教育大學。

  5. Chen, P.-H. (2021). The relationship between epistemological beliefs and lecture note-taking strategies among college students. The European Conference on Educational Research, September 6-10, Geneva (online).

  6. Chen, P.-H. (2021). Relationship between self-control strategies and motivational interference among college students. The 32nd International Congress of Psychology, July 18-23, Prague, Czech Republic (online).

  7. 馬詠心、蔡承恩、劉美伶、陳品華(2019)。心理距離、作業難易度對國小一年級學生毅力表現之影響。台灣心理學會第58屆年會暨學術研討會,11/2-3,高雄市:高雄醫學大學。

  8. 石薰憶、陳品華(2019)。國中生憂鬱情緒、知覺社會支持與求助態度關係之研究。2019「關係、對話與療癒:助人專業工作者的挑戰」國際學術研討會,10/25,屏東市:屏東大學。

  9. Chen, P.-H. (2019). Students’ self-control strategies after making a school decision in school-digital leisure conflicts. The 127th annual convention of American Psychological Association, August 8-11, Chicago, USA.

  10. Chen, P.-H.*, & Ho, Y.-T. (2019). Junior high school students’ experiences of hurt feelings in school life. The 127th annual convention of American Psychological Association, August 8-11, Chicago, USA.

  11. Chen, P.-H.*, & Cheng, I.-J. (2018). Investigating senior high school students’ motives for going to college. The 126th annual convention of American Psychological Association, August 9-12, San Francisco, USA.

  12. Chen, P.-H.*, & Wang, T.-Y. (2018). Hurt feelings and strategies to regulate them in romantic relationships among college students. The 126th annual convention  of American Psychological Association, August 9-12, San Francisco, USA.

  13. Chen, P.-H. (2017). Relationship of value orientation and self-regulatory efficacy to conflict decision-making and motivational interference in college students. International Symposium on Education and Psychology, September 5-7, Seoul, Korea.

  14. 鄭伊茹、陳品華(2016)。高中生升學動機與相關因素探討。台灣心理學會第55屆年會暨學術研討會,10/15-16,台南市:成功大學。

  15. Chen, P.-H.*, & Teo, T. (2016). Relationship of digital nativity and value orientation to motivational interference in college students. The European Conference on Educational Research, August 23-26, Dublin, Ireland.

  16. 陳力瑋、吳岱陽、吳姿泠、陳品華(2015)。大學生寵物情感依附與寂寞感、幸福感之關係。台灣心理學會第54屆年會暨「學習、教學、與評量」國際研討會,10/17-18,台北市:台灣師範大學。

  17. 王姿云、陳品華(2014)。不同方式引導式筆記對國小四年級學童社會領域學習表現之影響。人生全程發展與學習研討會,11/21,屏東市:屏東大學。

  18. 李奕璇、林婉鈞、蔡翎君、陳品華(2014)。高職學生網路自拍行為之研究。台灣心理學會第53屆年會暨學術研討會,11/8-9,台北市:台灣大學。

  19. 翁資媚、陳品華(2014)。國中生價值取向、動機干擾與主觀幸福感的關係。台灣心理學會第53屆年會暨學術研討會,11/8-9,台北市:台灣大學。

  20. Chen, P.-H.*, & Lin, J.-H. (2014). Taiwanese junior high school students’ intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in the classroom. The European Conference on Educational Research, September 2-5, Porto, Portugal.

  21. Chen, P.-H.*, & Teo, T. (2014). The effects of guided notes on college students’ lecture note taking and learning performance. The European Conference on Educational Research, September 2-5, Porto, Portugal.

  22. Chen, P.-H. (2014). College students’ note-taking strategies during and after class. The 21st International Conference on Learning, July 14-17, New York, USA.

  23. 王怡靜、林佳儀、許珂毓、張曉慧、陳品華(2013)。高中職學生的自拍行為及相關因素探討。台灣心理學會第52屆年會暨學術研討會,10/19-20,台北市:政治大學。

  24. 何怡婷、陳品華(2013)。國中生知覺父母教養方式與正向情緒之關係。台灣心理學會第52屆年會暨學術研討會,10/19-20,台北市:政治大學。

  25. 翁資媚、陳品華(2013)。國中生學業學習與數位休閒活動之動機干擾。台灣心理學會第52屆年會暨學術研討會,10/19-20,台北市:政治大學。

  26. 蔡逸芬、陳品華(2013)。國小高年級學童閱讀自主性動機及相關因素。台灣心理學會第52屆年會暨學術研討會,10/19-20,台北市:政治大學。

  27. Chang, L., Lo, S.-J., Lu, I.-C., & Chen P.-H. (2013). Validation of a shortened reading comprehension test using the Rasch model. Taiwan Education Research Association & Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Symposium 2013, August 1-6, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.




  1. Woolfolk, A.2020)。教育心理學(羅素貞[總校閱]、張麗麗、陸怡琮、邱珍琬、陳庸、陳品華、葉俊廷譯)。台北:華騰文化。

  2. Moristugu, J., Vera, E., Wong, F. Y., & Duffy, K. G.2019)。社區心理學(王大維[總校閱]、張麗麗、陳品華、陸怡琮、邱珍琬、羅素貞、郭郡羽、洪菁惠譯)。台北:心理。