李俊霆 助理教授


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111-2學期 Office hours:





  1. 洪迪萱、柯慧貞、李承傑、周廷璽、李俊霆、董旭英。國、高中生之網路遊戲可近性、同儕影響、網路遊戲正向預期、幸福感及網路遊戲成癮之路徑探討中華心理衛生學刊,34345-371
  2. 賴亞迪、柯慧貞、李承傑、周廷璽、李俊霆、董旭英。注意力缺失過動症狀、網路遊戲正向預期及國小高年級學童網路遊戲成癮程度的關係路徑。(中華心理學刊審查中)
  3. Chen, K.-Y., Chang, C.-Y., Tsai, Z.-R., Lee, C.-T., Shae, Z.-Y. (2021).  Tea Verification Using Triplet Loss Convolutional Network. Advances in Technology Innovation, 6, 199-212. (Scopus)
  4. Lee, C.-T., Zhang, G. J., & Edwards, M. C. (2012). Ordinary least squares estimation of parameters in Exploratory Factor Analysis with ordinal data. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 47, 314-339. (SCI & SSCI)
  5. Liu, H.-Y., Weng, L.-J., & Lee, C.-T. (2010). Reexaming the rule of eigenvalue-greater-than-one to correctly identify the number of factors. Psychological Testing, 57, 181-208. (TSSCI)
  6. Weng, L. –J., Lee, C. –T., & Wu, P. –J. (2003). A Comparison of Regression Equations for Estimation of Eigenvalues of Random Data Correlation Matrices in Parallel Analysis. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 45, 323-335. (TSSCI)





  1. 楊婷媖、李俊霆(2020年12月)。旅宿性格量表之發展。國際餐旅創新研發產學應用研討會。本人為通訊作者。
  2. Chen, K.-Y., Chang, C.-Y., Tsai, Z.-R., Lee, C.-T., Shae, Z.-Y. (2020). Tea Verification Using Triplet Loss Convolutional Network. The 9th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation 2020. IMETI2020 conference
  3. Lee, C.-T., Yang, T.-Y., Chung, Y.-J., Lin, G, Zheng, J.-N., Tsai, J. (2019, Jun). Answering the Talent Demand- the Matching Between Syllabi and Recruiting Notices. 2019 INFORMS International Conference, Cancun, Mexico. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
  4. Lin, G., Gung, R., Tsai, B., & Lee, C.-T. (2019, Jun). Institutional Research on Career Service Using Big Data Analytics. 2019 INFORMS International Conference, Cancun, Mexico.
  5. Lin, G., Gung, R., Lee, C.-T., Tsai, B., Tsai, J., Yang, T.-Y., Zheng, J.-N., Chung, Y.-J. (2019, Jun). A Smart Institutional Research Decision Support System. 2019 INFORMS Conference on Service Science, Nanjin, China..
  6. 李俊霆、鍾宜珈、楊婷媖 (2018). The prediction of college graduates' employment. 2018 INFORMS International Conference. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
  7. 吳采俞, 、李俊霆、 楊婷媖(2016年)。台灣大學生知覺家庭功能、人際依附關係與幸福感初探。2016台灣心理學會第55屆年會暨國際學術研討會。
  8. 羅雅薰、李宜蓉、李俊霆(2016年)。大學生不同依附類型在感恩特質上對學習動機的影響。2016台灣心理學會第55屆年會暨國際學術研討會。
  9. 蘇文碩、李俊霆(2016年)。Linguistic Adaptability of the Hong Kong Chinese Edition of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 in Taiwan.。International Conference on Media, Internet and Mental Health。
  10. Lee, C.-T., Yang, T.-Y., & Luo, D. (2015). Bootstrap standard error and confidence interval of ordinal coefficient alpha. Presented in the 54th Annual Meeting of the Chinese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan.
  11. Huang, P.-H., Lee, C.-T. (2014). Estimating polychoric correlation matrix via pairwise likelihood with positive semidefinite constraint. Presented in the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Chinese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan.
  12. Lee, C.-T. (2014). Exploratory factor analysis with ordinal data: An empirical comparison of parameter estimates and corresponding standard error estimates obtained from the polychoric correlation and Pearson product-moment correlation. Presented in the 11th Cross-Straits Conference on Educational and Psychological Testing, National Taichung University of Education, Taichung, Taiwan.
  13. Zhang, G., & Lee, C.-T. (2010). Applications of an analytic standard error estimator in latent variable models. Presented at the conference to honor the scientific contributions of Michael W. Browne, The Ohio University, Columbus, OH.
  14. Lee, C.-T., Zhang, G., & Edwards, M. C. (2010). Standard error of exploratory factor analysis with ordinal variables. Presented in IMPS, University of Georgia, Athens, GA.
  15. Lee, C.-T. (2010). Factor score estimation methods: review and possible future research. Presented in QSG, University of Notre Dame.
  16. Lee, C.-T. (2009). Standard error estimates in EFA under ordinary least square method for ordinal data. Presented in QSG, University of Notre Dame.
  17. Lee, C.-T. (2009). Exploratory factor analysis with ordinal data. Presented in QSG, University of Notre Dame.
  18. Lee, C.-T. (2008). Standard error estimates for unrotated factor loadings under least square method. Presented in first year project presentation, Notre Dame, IN.
  19. Lee, C.-T. (2008). Factor rotation and standard error estimates for rotated factor loadings. Presented in QSG, University of Notre Dame, IN.
  20. Lee, C. –T., Wu, P. –J., & Weng, L. –J. (2004). Comparison of two stage scale and Likert type scale. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Chinese Association of Psychological Testing, Taipei, Taiwan.
  21. Lee, C. –T., & Weng, L. –J. (2003). The accuracy of determining the number of factors: application of bootstrap method on eigenvalue-greater-than-one rule. Presented at the 42nd. Annual Meeting of the Chinese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan


  22. 李俊霆、楊婷媖(202010月)。探索性因素分析中模型錯誤與資料型態對MSA之影響。中國測驗學會年會暨學術推廣工作坊。本人為第一作者、通訊作者。

  23. 蔡其杭、鍾宜珈、李俊霆、蔡岳霖、楊婷媖、鄭家年、陳明德、林蔚君、蔡進發 (2018). Using Big data and AI to Enhance Institutional Research. 2018 INFORMS International Conference.
  24. 李俊霆、鍾宜珈、楊婷媖(2017年)。工作內容與學校課程符合程度之初探。元培醫事科技大學2017校務研究推動學校特色兩岸技職教育論壇。本人為第一作者、通訊作者。
  25. Yang, T.-Y., Lee, C.-T., Hu, C.-M., Devaney, S. A. (2016). The Relationship Between Collectivism, Self-integration, and Consumer Susceptibility to Interpersonal Influence. ACCI Annual Conference 2016.
  26. 陳玟娟、陳柔安、蘇文碩、李俊霆、張吏頡(2016年)。香港中文版明尼蘇達多相人格測驗臨床量尺在台使用適切性之初探。台灣臨床心理學會年會暨學術研討會。
  27. Chou, W.-C., Lee, C.-T., Hsu, S.-P. (2016). Finding the best way to predict subsequent dementia using MMSE and CDR: a retrospective study. Presented at 2016年台灣臨床心理學會年會暨學術研討會,台北,臺灣。

  28. Devaney, S. A., Yang, T.-Y., & Lee, C.-T. (2015). Who utilizes the internet for medical-related problems: A national study from Taiwan. Presented at ACCI annual conference, Clearwater Beach, FL, USA.
  29. Yang, T.-Y., Lee, C.-T., Hu, C.-M., Devaney, S. A. (2015). Self-identity, Collectivism, and Consumer Susceptibility to Interpersonal Influence. 2015第54屆台灣心理學會年會暨學習、教學、與評量國際研 討會.
  30. 楊婷媖、李俊霆(2014)。臺灣地區民眾網路醫療資源利用之決定因子。第53屆臺灣心理學年會,台北,臺灣。
  31. 吳婷鈺、吳亭樓、王漢明、周廷璽、李俊霆(2014)。探討視覺表徵在改變偵測上所扮演的角色。第53屆臺灣心理學年會,台北,臺灣。
  32. 盧東煒、李俊霆、周廷璽、郭俊顯、吳信輝、張雅詒、柯慧貞(2014)。憂鬱、自傷苦惱自責及國中生自傷者的自傷頻率。第53屆臺灣臨床心理學年會,台北,臺灣。
  33. Lee, C.-T., Zhang, G. J., & Edwards, M. C. (2012). Ordinary least squares estimation of parameters in Exploratory Factor Analysis with ordinal data. Poster session presented at the Interview meeting, Notre Dame, IN.
  34. Lee, C.-T. (2009). Standard error estimates for rotated factor loadings and correlations under least square method. Poster session presented at the Interview meeting, Notre Dame, IN.
  35. Lee, C.-T., Weng, L. -J., & Liu, S. -Y. (2005). Determining the number of factors: eigenvalue-greater-than-one rule revisited. Poster presented at the 44th. Annual Meeting of the Chinese Psychological Association, Taoyuan, Taiwan
  36. Weng, L. –J., Lee, C. –T., & Wu, P. –J. (2002). A Comparison of Regression Equations for   Estimation of Eigenvalues of Random Data Correlation Matrices in Parallel Analysis. Poster presented at the 41st. Annual Meeting of the Chinese Psychological Association, Tainan, Taiwan.




  1. Lee, C.-T. (2013). An empirical evaluation of three procedures of confirmatory factor analysis with ordinal data. (Doctoral dissertation). University of Notre Dame, USA.
  2. Zhang, G. & Lee, C. (2013). Standard errors of ordinary least squares estimation in structural equation modeling. Appear in Edwards, M. & MacCallum, R. (Eds). Current issues in the thoery and application of latent variable models.
  3. Lee, C. T. (2005). Determining the number of factors: Eigenvalue-greater-than-one rule revisited. (Unpublished master’s thesis). National Taiwan University, Taiwan.