黃文豪、孫蒨如 「懷念過往」的正向力量:回顧與展望懷舊對人際關係的影響
篇名 |
「懷念過往」的正向力量:回顧與展望懷舊對人際關係的影響 全文閱讀 |
卷期 |
3 |
作者 |
黃文豪、孫蒨如 |
關鍵詞 |
人際互動、人際關係、社會聯結、浪漫懷舊、懷舊 |
摘要 |
「懷舊」(nostalgia)是人類相當獨特的能力與現象,近期在心理學相關領域 十分受到關注並且激發了大量的研究,但在國內似乎尚未有太多的研究者關注,因 此本文以人際關係為範疇,嘗試彙整及評論懷舊相關實徵研究,首先介紹懷舊概念 的演變及其特性,進而評述懷舊對於人際關係所造成的各種正向效益以及浪漫關係 中的懷舊與效果,最後亦提供新的思考觀點和研究方向。期盼能藉此文讓讀者對於 懷舊有著基本的認識與瞭解,進而引領更多有志者投入懷舊的研究。 |
並列摘要 |
“Nostalgia” is a unique human ability and phenomenon that has recently attracted significant attention in the field of psychology, leading to a substantial body of research. However, this topic has not yet garnered much attention from researchers in our country. Therefore, this paper aims to compile and review empirical studies on nostalgia within the context of interpersonal relationships. It introduces the evolution and characteristics of the concept of nostalgia, evaluates its various positive effects on interpersonal relationships, and examines its impact on romantic relationships. Finally, the paper offers new perspectives and potential directions for future research. It is hoped that this article will provide readers with a foundational understanding of nostalgia and inspire more researchers to engage in studies on this topic. |
頁次 |
15 - 26 |
出刊日期 |
202406 |
10.30099/PPCE.202406_(3).0002 |