邱珍琬 從正向親職研究探看未來研究趨勢
篇名 |
卷期 |
2 |
作者 |
邱珍琬 |
關鍵詞 |
正向心理學、正向親職、成效 |
摘要 |
正向親職已被印證對子女的健康發展極為重要。綜觀諸多文獻發現,國內較少以正向親職為題的研究,而是以Baumrind等人發展出來的民主威權與專制權威的親職探討較多;近二十年來,國外將正向心理學運用在親職比較與介入是一個趨勢,多數研究也證明了不管是對於失能、弱勢、族裔,甚或罹患心理疾病之正向親職介入都有程度不一的成效,在我國責成、要求與期待殷切的親職傳統下,不啻是一個可以廣為鼓勵且收效甚佳的參照。 |
並列摘要 |
Positive parenting has been proved its importance to children's healthy development. However, the research on this topic is scary here in Taiwan. After reviewing the literature, this author found that most of parenting-related research in Taiwam was on Baumrind and colleagues' parenting styles. On the contrary, for the past decade, international research tends to use positive parenting as intervention and has applied to dysfunctional, minorties/ ethnics, even different mental status parenting and result in a variety of effects. Due to Chinese traditional parenting-demanding and high expectations, positive parenting can be a promising and effective reference. |
頁次 |
85 - 95 |
出刊日期 |
202306 |
10.30099/PPCE.202306_(2).0005 |